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To our trusted community members,
We take great pride in offering you only the very best product for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Your trust and faith in us does not go unnoticed. In our quest to help you create real, long term, impact results we guarantee the Quality, Price, and Clinical Standards of each product in our store measure up to the highest standards. 
We have chosen these companies to partner with because they are family owned, 3rd party tested for impurities, clinically researched and their missions align with our own. We have personally used these exact products for a number of years on ourselves and hundreds of community members.
We maintain a very strong relationship with the company owners and have offered the very lowest prices on the market because we know what’s it’s like to be sick and unable to work. If you are a community member through the S.H.I.E.L.D. Program then you will receive 15% off storewide for appreciation.
We believe in our mission to empower our community with the best solutions for Crohn’s Disease & Ulcerative Colitis in awareness of all of our unique experiences. 
Happy Healing,
Dane Johnson, CEO & Founder
